The Legal Case Navigator is a mobile-web friendly guide that provides legal information on family, housing, consumer and other issues. The app has resources, videos and information on how to navigate your legal case in Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court or in the Fairfax County General District Court.
Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV) is a full service, nonprofit law firm that serves clients throughout Northern Virginia. It was established in 1980 by consolidating several existing local legal aid organizations into a regional service program. LSNV is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, federally funded by Legal Services Corporation, local governments in Northern Virginia, foundations, the private bar, and other donors.
MISSION: To promote justice for a better community by providing civil legal assistance to those facing the loss of a critical need.
LSNV provides services in a variety of substantive civil legal areas, including: family law, housing law, elder law, public benefits claims, access to health care, child advocacy, consumer law and AIDS/HIV issues. Staff and volunteers provide legal advice, brief service, and representation in administrative hearings and in court, as well as community legal education, and advocacy before local and state governmental entities, all without charge to our clients.
Provide by the LSNV, The Legal Case Navigator is an innovative web and mobile platform to help accelerate and improve access to legal assistance.